Holiday Gift Guide

Instead of braving the mall, how about enjoying a little rest and relaxation as you find the perfect gift for everyone on your holiday list? Have some of the hardest people to shop for on your holiday list? Catalina Island has you covered this holiday season.
The Historian
Many don’t realize the significant role Catalina played in American history, especially during WWII. The Island was reinvented during this period as the training ground for many operations to help forces prepare for combat and secret missions. This is just a taste of Catalina’s long-standing part in helping shape the US.
Visit Catalina Museum for Art & History to find a gift for that history-buff on your list who is sure to enjoy a membership to the museum to do a deeper dive on Catalina history through the many exhibits and events.
Photo Credit: Catalina Island Conservancy
The Adventurer
Catalina Island is the land of discovery and the great outdoors. For that friend that has a bucket list full of activities, what about an adventure you can only have on Catalina? About 88% of Catalina is part of a private land trust, exploring this undeveloped landscape is a thrill, especially on an open-air vehicle like a truck or Jeep. Check out the Catalina Island Conservancy Eco Tour to see if this would excite someone on your list.
The Art Enthusiast
Catalina is home to a variety of local artists and galleries along Crescent Ave. For a family member or friend who loves to get lost in a piece of art, you can find a gift that they will appreciate whether it is a painting, photograph or a unique piece of Catalina tile or pottery.
The Wellness Seeker
After a stressful year, it is time to recharge the mind, body and soul with a little R&R. Give the gift of relaxation with a getaway to a Catalina Island spa and a special treatment with an island twist.
Or maybe the ideal present is for them to have some time in nature with a long hike. Catalina Backcountry has a great program for that special someone to enjoy a multi-day outdoor excursion that will reenergize one’s inner self.
There are many other great certificates to hotels and activities, as well as dining. You can never go wrong giving the gift of Catalina Island in one way or another. Take a stroll in Avalon as you knock out that holiday list of yours. You never know, you may just find the perfect gift for yourself as well.
Enjoy shopping and happy holidays from Catalina Express!