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The Catalina Express San Pedro terminal.

The Catalina Sea and Air Terminal in San Pedro is located at the heart of the waterfront promenade in the Port of LA which is freeway accessible from Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

ATMs are available at all locations. All major credit cards are welcome.

Trip Duration

San Pedro/Avalon trips take approximately 1 hr 15 min. (Via Two Harbors additional 1 hr  15 min. travel time)
San Pedro/Two Harbors trips take approximately 1 hr 15 min. (Via Avalon additional 1 hr 15 min. travel time)


Berth 95, San Pedro, CA 90731
(at Swinford and Harbor Boulevard)

Hours of Operations

The ticket window opens one hour prior to the first sailing and closes after the last scheduled departure of the day.

Two Harbors

Important Update: Two Harbors including the Catalina Express ticket window is transitioning to a cashless payment system and will now only accept credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payment options (such as Apple Pay and Google Pay) for all transactions. For your convenience, a Cash-to-Card Kiosk will be located outside of the General Store.

Express Grill

The Express Grill is proudly serving grab-n-go options at the San Pedro port! For more information and to view our menu, please click here.


Hourly: FREE for the first hour, $2 per hour after the first hour.
Daily: $22 per day.

All major credit cards are accepted. Prices are subject to change and prorated rates may be available. Contact parking vendor for further details. Parking operated by PCI Parking – 310.547.4357 (Please do not call this number for Catalina Express reservations)



Additional San Pedro Terminal Information